46. How Do We Train the Alpha Generation? (part 1), with Janine McNally

In what ways is culture dictating your parenting... or is it? Janine McNally has studied this topic and especially for the Alpha Generation. Tune in to find out who the Alpha Generation is and how they are affected by our today's culture. Find out how you can approach the many questions that parents have today on this topic!

00:00  Introduction
02:02  A bit of background about Janine
04:29  When are children most receptive?
05:23  What is Generation Alpha?
07:06  Cultural examples and problems
08:19  Different parenting styles
09:05  Godly parenting
09:50  Other ways culture has changed for our kids
13:08  Biggest issue in raising kids- technology balance, early training
15:00  Boundaries and balance, practical tools
17:55  Closing comments

This is the first of multiple interview segments with Janine McNally. Janine is a doctoral student and is releasing her first book, WhenYou See Fireflies in May 2023, which is about the ministry and parenting of the Alpha Generation. You can find out more about Janine and her ministries at Grace4Kidz.org.

As always, please contact me at [email protected] with any needs or questions you might have regarding parenting or faith. You can find more information about my ministries at KidStrength4Life.com.

And always, remember to rest in the Lord this week!