87. The Unforeseen Predicament: When You Don't Make It to the Hospital on Time, with Chelsea Roth

Season #2

A year and a half ago, Chelsea Roth experienced an unforeseen event.

Last week was Easter and we celebrated our new life in Christ.  Well, this week we are re-airing a loosely connected story (although not necessarily spiritually) about a new life. In September of 2022, Chelsea shared her story about having her baby in the car on the way to the hospital! It is worth repeating! I think it was probably the most fun interview I have done!

Some parents' biggest fear is not making it to the hospital in time for their baby's birth. Chelsea survives this experience and tells us her amazing car birth story. Her story is humorous, graphic, and entertaining!

00:00 Introduction
02:30 When Chelsea realized she wouldn't get to the hospital in time
03:02 The history of a childbirth story
04:16 The first doctor's check
05:06  I went to Costco...
05:57  Pretend you are in pain
07:18  You have a hair appointment
08:13  At the salon with labor progressing
12:18 Labor in the car
15:59 Alex pulls over and Lillian is born
18:21 Back at the hospital
20:14 Meeting Dr. Cole
22:13 The birth certificate
23:05 Answered prayers
25:00 Final words

What a story! I've listened to this amazing car birth story multiple times and it does not get old! 

Be sure to subscribe to not miss any episode of Adventure Parenting with Grace! And check our https://kidstrength4life.com for resources, both free and small cost.

Until next week, remember to rest in the Lord this week!